Photo by Sarah Comeau on Unsplash
We all want to find the Fountain of Youth and stay young forever, but permanent youth is only a fantasy. However, a youthful appearance does not have to be a fantasy for you. Thanks to many advancements in the skincare industry, you have options for fighting back against the physical changes to your skin you see as you get older. For example, skin sags and wrinkles can be a thing of the past, when you select the right skincare treatment. One popular option to entertain is laser skin tightening.
Why Skin Tightening May Become Necessary
Your skin is an organ, just like your stomach or your heart. However, unlike your internal organs, it is on the outside of your body. That means it has to fight against absolutely everything you are exposed to over your lifetime, both internal and external. Therefore, many things can damage it over the years. Among the top culprits are the sun, poor diet and pollutants or chemicals. As if those issues are not enough, your skin also has to contend with natural changes inside your body that come with age, such as reductions in the production of skin-fortifying compounds like collagen.
How Laser Skin Tightening Corrects Skin Damage
Your skin typically gets its tightness because the cells are drawn together by collagen molecules. As you age, less collagen is produced naturally in your body, causing those cellular bonds to break down. When the skin cells shift apart, elasticity is slowly lost. In terms of restorative methods, professional skincare experts have used-lasers devices to reverse such damage for decades. They top the list of favorite skin tightening treatments.
Lasers correct skin damage by using heat and light to encourage the collagen still remaining in your body to move toward other collagen. That tightens the skin up over time. Additionally, a laser can be used to kick start procedures in your body that allow it to make more collagen on its own, like it did when you were younger. As more collagen appears to hold skin cells together, the skin is strengthened.
Why Laser Skin Tightening is a Preferred Treatment Option
There are several reasons laser skin tightening is a preferred treatment for wrinkles and sagging skin. One is that it is an outpatient procedure typically taking under an hour, making it less risky and time consuming than surgery. Another is a laser device can be used when your skin sags or wrinkles are still mild or moderate. By catching and treating such problems early, you can avoid or delay going under a surgeon’s knife.
When You Can Have Laser Skin Tightening Performed
You can have laser skin tightening performed on your body at any time, if your sagging skin is not yet severe enough to require surgery. However, the best results are most likely to occur if you are between the ages of 30 and 60. The procedure can help you successfully remove laugh lines from your face or treat many other body parts, if needed. However, you must make sure you meet other candidacy requirements, first. For example, your clinician may recommend against the procedure if your skin is too oily or you are prone to acne outbreaks.
The Laser Skin Tightening Procedure Itself
When you go in for laser skin tightening, the clinician will begin by washing your skin thoroughly. It must be devoid of all perfumes or added materials. Then he or she will apply a cooling gel to the treatment area. When your skin is ready, the clinician will use the laser beam to target specific areas. It will penetrate into deeper tissues while leaving the surface skin layer undisturbed. Over time, the light and heat caused by the laser and the increased internal collagen production will improve the appearance of your skin. However, you may not notice results on the same day as your treatment.