How To Look After Your Skin During Fall And Winter

Two seasons out of the year that often have the biggest impact on your skin are the fall and winter months. These are often bitterly cold for some parts of the world and as a result, can cause damage to the skin.

If you’ve noticed that your skin doesn’t do well during these months, then it’s definitely worthwhile to make changes that will help look after it.

If you’re looking at how to take care of dry skin effectively or you’re just wanting a few tips on how to care for your skin during these cooler months, then this guide is for you.

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Add plenty of moisturizer to your skin

First and foremost, how much moisturizer do you apply to your skin every day? That’s not just your face but to the rest of your body. If the answer is very little to nothing, then that needs to change right now.

During fall and winter, the months are noticeably colder for most and as a result, moisture is all over the place. It might be that there’s a lot more of it in the air during certain times and very little during those really dry and cold days.

With that being said, creating a protective barrier is an important part of taking care of your skin. You can do this by helping your skin with a bit of moisture and applying a hydrating moisturizer.

A hydrating moisturizer is not only going to replenish the skin with plenty of hydration but it’s also going to lock in that moisture, especially if you’re using other skincare products with it. If there’s anything you can change about looking after your skin, it’s adding moisturizer to your daily wake-up routine.

Introduce a thorough skincare routine

Introducing a skincare routine can sound like hell on earth for some but you don’t need to incorporate a dozen skincare products in order to see results. Sometimes, it’s just a few products that can make a difference to your skin. 

A cleanser is great for cleaning your skin, so think of this as your standard makeup remover. Avoid wipes because they can irritate your skin. Instead, use a micellar water or oil cleanser. Apply a moisturizer for hydration and use a serum as this can help lock in the benefits of the moisturizer.

Finally, if you’re looking to give your skin some much-needed help, then treat it to an exfoliator every week or two.

Hydrate your skin by drinking plenty of water

Water is your savior, yet not a lot of people embrace drinking water because they don’t like it or they simply forget to drink it.

A good way to make sure you’re getting plenty of water each day is by getting yourself a dedicated water bottle. This is a great way of making sure you’re tracking how much water you’re drinking. You might want to get a water bottle that measures how much water you’re drinking so you can get as close to a liter or two of water per day.

Don’t forget there are other ways of drinking water through your food and other drinks such as cups of tea or fruit juices. If you still are forgetful, you can always look for apps that help with drinking water and provide you with a reminder.

Don’t forget your sunscreen

Sunscreen is something to be mindful of when it comes to looking after your skin. Even during the cooler months when you don’t get much in the way of sunshine, the sun is still out. That means UV rays are still beating down on your skin, which if you’re not wearing SPF, could damage it.

Damage to your skin is done mainly through a lack of SPF. Not wearing SPF could speed up the signs of aging but may also lead to much bigger problems with your skin like skin cancer for example.

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Don’t neglect applying SPF to your skin, both when it comes to your face and body. There are plenty of body moisturizers and face moisturizers that come with SPF in them, so there’s really no excuse!

Switch up your cleansers

Cleansers are something to be mindful of when it comes to looking after your skin. If you’re not embracing cleansers then it’s definitely something to start trying out. When it comes to the cooler months, you might want to opt for an oil cleanser, over a standard water cleanser or soap cleanser that doesn’t contain oil.

Oil cleansers are great because they help clean the skin but also lock in the moisturizers that you then apply to your skin. As well as your skin’s natural moisture of course!

Don’t take too hot a shower or bath

While it might be tempting to do so, especially on those colder mornings and evenings, you want to try and avoid taking too hot a shower or bath. Why’s that? Well, hot showers and baths have a habit of stripping all of the natural oils and moisture that your body produces.

Yes, submerging your skin in hot water doesn’t hydrate your skin, in fact, it does the complete opposite. With that being said, consider going for a more tepid temperature when showering or taking a bath. Equally, try to avoid spending too long on both.

Avoid any products or clothing that irritate your skin

Applying any products on the skin that irritate it, should be avoided. The same goes for certain clothing types. You might be lucky and not have sensitivity or allergies in any way when it comes to your skin. However, it’s good to pay attention to anything that might not agree with how your skin feels.

Avoiding these products or clothing is going to keep the skin healthy and more importantly, it’s not going to cause discomfort for you either.

Looking after and maintaining the health of your skin all year round is important. So with that being said, make sure you look after your skin during the fall and winter this year to help with its appearance and health.