4 quick hacks to transform your fashion choices

They say that it takes just seconds to make a first impression, and after that it is incredibly difficult to change. Considering the fact that what we wear is a major part of that first impression, it stands to reason that we need to get this right from the outset.


This is the reason we have penned today’s post. For the purposes of today we don’t have any extensive suggestions to transform your wardrobe, but we are instead going to focus on the quick hacks that can make an immediate difference. Let’s delve into them.

Concentrate on the smaller details

We said that today’s post would be all about quick hacks, and this is exactly what we are referring to in this first point. Sure, it would be ideal if you can perfect the major garments like your trousers or shirt, but one might be surprised at the difference the smaller items can make.

By small, we’re referring to anything from a scarf to a pocket. Relatively speaking, these shouldn’t make a difference, but they do and this is something that you need to take into account. Pay particular attention on getting these right, and start by looking at inspiration from Reiss.com.

Don’t buy because it’s “on-trend”

Another mistake that a lot of people make is just buying an item because it is apparently on-trend. Just because it is in all of the magazines, doesn’t mean to say that it is going to work for you.

On the contrary, you should be buying items that are going to fit your body (more on this later). Different people are suited to different types of garments, and trying to transform your look in accordance with seasonal trends is very difficult to pull off on a regular basis.

Don’t buy just because of the brand

We won’t mention any specific brand names, but it would be fair to say that some have a bigger pulling power than others. However, don’t be fooled by this pull. Sure, the big brand names are usually associated with better quality, but that doesn’t mean to say that they always manufacture great products. Or, perhaps we should rephrase that, it doesn’t always mean to say that they will be great for you.

Sure, hunt high and low for quality items, but when it comes to the crunch your decision needs to be based on a lot more.

Never underestimate the power of a perfect fit

Several of the previous points have touched upon this, but it really deserves its own section in the article. Put simply, the way in which the garment fits should be your top priority. It might be your favourite colour, brand and everything else – but do not purchase it if doesn’t fit perfectly. Not only is this going to look less than ideal on you, but it can also impact your confidence. It has been found that well-fitted clothing can do wonders for the feel-good factor, so there is more than one reason to put a good fit at the top of your wish list.