Trying to get out a bit from my all black, dark outfits cycle and to incorporate bit of color. This time, it happens to be a light shade of pink.
Feeling like a marshmallow, all gooey and sweet! In no time, I’ll dye my hair blonde and get a fake tan, ha! No, that’s not going to happen, though, my hair is in desperate need of a haircut.
Also, make up, yeah, lately I’ve been experimenting with it, and starting to love it more and more.
And yes , I’m perfectly aware that there’s a picture with my behind on the blog, but hey, I wanted to show you the details of the top… Really! Love the zipper.
Massimo Dutti sweater & coated jeans
Topshop Anarchy booties, similar here
DKNY watch
Polyvore & random rings
Photos by Opal Studio, go check them out now!!!
In almost never know what to write in outfit posts… Ohh well, enjoy your day, babes!
Ce bine iti sta imbracata asa! Si cu parul si cu machiajul asa mai wild. 🙂
Imi plac pantalonii si inelusele delicate. 🙂
You look so cute in pink <3
Love your make-up 🙂
Frumoasa bluzita roz si iti sta bine 🙂
Sweet look!
Iti sta super bine, sa stii! <3