It’s curios how these days I can’t even follow my own advice of post consistency.
A couple of weeks ago, on a sunny Wednesday, I had a total pampering day, hair, make up and nails for Elle Style Awards at Beauty District, powered by Minx Romania.
You know, how, almost always, I don’t like how my hair & make up is done in this kind of situations, well, this time, I absolutely loved it. This sums up everything.

The cherry on top, where my ahhmazing gold Minx nails, got so many compliments on them, they were done by Catalina Stoica and Anamaria Enache.

Awesome do by Razvan Munteanu and make up by Mari.

With my lovely Koko.
You look absolutely stunning!
I love your nails !!!
Of ce imi plac si mie unghiile astea, am cautat in Timisoara pe net si numai locatii fantoma am gasit, unde ba nu era nimic ba nu raspundea nimeni la telefoane 🙁
Two gorgeous ladies!:X:X:X