Second outfit for the launch of the MiniPrix app, like I said, pants again! ” Winter is coming ” !
Yesterday, I didn’t check the weather and froze, then I went into MiniPrix and bought me a sweater just because…
Found an awesome pair of Topshop Anarchy booties, which I didn’t need but bought, and used the app in store to get 10 % off, score!!
Download the app on Itunes, here, and on Google play, here.
Love the sweatshirt I’m wearing! Great with leggings, because it’s like slightly short dress.
photos by Silvia
Great outfit!!! 🙂
I love how sporty and cute this is. Awesome sneakers!
Imi plac pantalonii si sneakersii! 🙂
Foarte draguta!
Imi plac foarte mult ghetele sport, m-am gandit sa le comand si eu acum vreo 2 saptamani 😀
Hei! Ce marime sunt pantalonii? Vreau si eu sa-mi iau, pentru ca am marimea ta. Mersi anticipat!
imi place mult de tot bluza!!!
Looking great…as usual!:)
si pe mine ma intereseaza ce marime au pantalonii 🙂
Ps – foarte frumoasa tinuta…..pana la colier (nu prea inteleg cum poti sa combini stiluri ce sunt total opuse).
@dragonfly: 38:)
Merci Denisa