Five basic & essentials tips for fashion bloggers, first installment in the Fashion Blogging tips, tricks & co series. A couple of suggestions for new and not quite new fashion bloggers.
I’ve learned them throughout my 5+ years of running a blog, and actually living out of it, so I do know what I’m talking about. Still, it depends a bit on they type of fashion blog you have and your goal with it, but basically here’s my advice for you.
- Keep a clean design, don’t clutter your blog if it isn’t absolutely necessary. White post body background + dark font, is a must. And for the love of God, don’t use an auto music player, whatever the reason is.
- Use social platforms, all of them. Seriously, try them all, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Google+, Stumbleupon, Linkedin etc. If a new platform pops out, sign up, request an invite, you don’t know which one is the next Pinterest and your one of the pioneers with millions of followers. If you can’t keep up with all the virtual socializing, pick the social media platforms that work best for you.
- Be consistent, post regularly. At least, three times a week.
- Tell a story but don’t ignore SEO. I can’t stress enough about this one, you really want Google to find you from the sea of fashion blogs out there. In the Romanian blogosphere, this tell a story thing is a trend but telling a story, especially if you’re at the beginning and your site is new, will not help that much.
- Don’t make monetizing your fashion blog the ultimate goal. If you start a blog just for making extra money and receiving freebies, you’ll get frustrated. Blog with love and trust me, the money part will come.
I have more tips, but those in another post. Also, I will elaborate some of the above tips in dedicated articles.
Great tips, thank you
Asteptam cu nerabdare postarea asta. 🙂 De acord cu toate sfaturile, sper ca in postarile urmatoare sa "dai din casa" mai multe, ca sigur ai adunat in anii de experienta si tips&tricks mai putin evidente si despre care nu se prea scrie.
Foarte bune ponturi…multumim