Cum sa iti monetizezi blogul? #DBBM4

Am revenit, intr-un final, cu partea de monetizare din prezentarea pe care am tinut-o la December Beauty Bloggers Meeting 4. Da, da, stiu, ma misc extraordinar de incet. Ca si in prima parte, Optimizarea blogului, le-am vorbit fetelor …

Types of fashion bloggers

The shock! There are lots of types of fashion blogs & fashion bloggers,  due to recent events I have the impression that in Ro all them fashion are considered quite the same. That is absolutely wrong, if you …

5 basic tips for fashion bloggers

Five basic &  essentials tips for fashion bloggers, first installment in the Fashion Blogging tips, tricks & co series. A couple of suggestions for new and not quite new fashion bloggers.   I’ve learned them throughout my 5+ …