Remember the lingerie as outerwear trend that was going on last year? If you’re visiting the blog for some time, I bet you do remember because I posted a lot about it. Why I’m telling you that? Because last weekend I finally watched Sucker Punch and their dancing costumes or whatever those were look like shaping undies, you know those big panties that make you look slimmer. I’m crazy, now?

Like the ones Bridget Jones referred to as, if I recall correctly, shagging panties & granny panties, that is one funny movie, I think I saw it a thousand times, both of them actually. Gotta love Bridget Jones.
Yet, I’m not suggesting flaunting your underwear in anywhere and everywhere, though if you are brave enough and you style it right, it would look amazing. Especially if you go for a pair a high waist knickers and a structured corset, still, hot pants aren’t far away from the earlier mentioned lingerie, and almost everybody wears hot pants.
It can look really glam, like this Gok Wan slimming underwear at Simply Yours…

also watched sucker punch, but while all the visual aspect were stunning it really lacked in plot unfortunately. and bridget jones was such a hilarious movie. :))
Costin M.
Uuuu….what does this button do? :)))) ♥