Lazy day today, after a weekend of running around, partying is big word, today I just vegetated in front of the laptop. Fun, right?
Though, I browsed a bit and found these cute wedge shoes from Viva La Diva, and what better way to showcase them than in a polyvore set? I kind of neglected my polyvore account these last months because of school and everything but I hope to get back on track, and not only with polyvore.
Back to shoes now, another pair that caught my attention are these Pour La Victoire Irina pumps in beige, aren’t they cute? I think they go with almost everything, don’t you think so?
Even though it’s summer, it’s literally the middle of summer, for some reason I’m thinking of oxford shoes and boots, because they are my favorites for the cold weather.
Oh well, I bought a single pair of sandals this season, so I must say that I’ve been good or just too cheapskate to spend more money.
ps: a shootout to Denisa whom I met on Saturday, if you see me wondering around come and say hi, I really would love to meet you and I don’t bite, trust me, I have no teeth:)
Great Post!
i was starting to miss your polyvore sets 😀
Costin M.
these shoes look amazing and plus, they match pretty much everything. I have a pair of these and have been wearing them for two years now, they're the perfect choice for autumn and spring!
Love the set ♥
Eu ma tot gandesc daca mai are rost sa-mi iau platformele alea sau sa ma dau direct pe ghete :)))
Gorgeous set, darling!
Love those shoes!
Love this shoes so much.
Love this look!!!
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