Ok, so this year it seems that everybody is opening shops in Romania, after H&M and M.A.C. , new look will open it’s first store in Afi Palace Cotroceni next month, more specifically on the 26th August. Then they will keep them coming… In September there will be one in Baneasa Shopping Center and by the end of the year they will open stores in Cluj and Constanta:)
If you wonder about prices, from what I’ve seen, they’ll be about the same.
Also, over 200 items will be available every week!
Will you be visiting new look this fall?
vaaaai, ce bine <3
Cea mai buna veste pe care am primit o toata ziua! Am cateva bluzite de la new look pe care le ador! Abia astept sa se deschida magazinul!
ce bine!! chiar ma bucur.mersi!!! puup
Can't wait !
hiu! thank god they're bringing it to cluj too 🙂
So great!
Writing this while wearing NewLook dress and NewLook shoes. 🙂
Mda, daca e ca la H&M ..I'll pass :))
mmm, not really on board with what i'm seeing on their website, but hey – if more and more stores are coming to Romania, it's not like I'm going to say "No" :))
Costin M.
they do have a few pieces that I like each season (not many..), so it's worth a visit, definitely 😉
I have so much love for New Look! Enjoy.
LOVE the dresses!! Especially the golden one!
In Cluj se deschide la sfarsitul lunii august, in Polus Center 🙂
Love the dresses on the frist photo, specially the one in the middle.
That is so great! I so love new stores, cannot wait! 😀
nu pot sa cred, asta da veste buna