How to Care for Natural Products in Your Home

When you have natural products and surfaces in your home, it is important that you invest extra time into caring for them and protecting them where you can. Natural products and surfaces can be more porous than you might think, and this means they can get damaged easily by harsh cleaning products or rough cleaning methods. Understanding the products in your home and then creating a softer and milder approach to cleaning them will be beneficial.

Making your Own Non-abrasive Cleaners

There are a lot of natural products that you can make, and these are often less abrasive than well-known brands. When you are making your own cleaners, it is important to exercise caution and take extra care. Always read the labels of products and avoid mixing products, as this can cause a reaction that might attack the natural products and surfaces you have in your home – as well as being hazardous to your health.

Avoiding Acid

A lot of products can contain acids such as hydrofluoric acid. These types of acids can be very damaging to surfaces and products. Some products and cleaners can also contain hidden acids, such as lemon juice, and this should again be avoided at all costs. Avoiding using acidic based products is crucial as the acid will damage natural products and surfaces, and it will leave surfaces looking dull.

Dry Mopping

If you have a floor made from beautiful stone tiles from a company like Quorn Stone, you will want to try dry mopping surfaces at times and not just wet mopping. Dry mopping can help to remove dirt and stop it from being etched onto surfaces. When you are dry mopping, it is important to look at the type of cloth you are using. Microfiber clothes (and even old rags) are often the best things to use as they will not scratch surfaces, and they will not leave behind marks. You must take extra care when you are dry mopping to ensure that you are not moving dirt around or dragging bits of grit across the floor, as this will damage natural products.

Mild Detergent and Buff

Where you can try to use a mild detergent and then buff the natural products and surfaces that you have in your home. A couple of drops of washing-up liquid in a bowl of warm water is going to be just as effective as specialist cleaners or those well-known brand names. Aiming to do this once a week can help you keep surfaces clean, and it can help you protect them.

Cleaning Little and Often

When you have natural products in your home, such as stone, you will find that it is much easier to clean little and often. When you see a mark or a stain, it is important to clean it up as soon as you can. If you leave a stain on any surface, you can find that it is more difficult to remove. Removing stains with regular cleaning will work better than large cleaning sessions. A few minutes each day to wipe, buff and remove stains and marks is all that you need.

Photo by Ryan Riggins on Unsplash