How to Protect Yourself From COVID19 When Returning to Work in the Office

After a year of uncertainty, rising infections, loss of life, and our lives as we once knew them changing dramatically, the good news for the world is that there are finally COVID19 vaccinations available, and things are set to return to normal in the future. One of the biggest changes to our lives over the past year has been the increase in working from home. Many companies are now switching to a hybrid model of working for the future, allowing employees to work both from home and in the office for a more flexible experience. If you can’t wait to get back into the office after a long year of working from your kitchen table, here are some tips for staying safe.

Use Protective Equipment:

There are several options to consider when it comes to equipment designed to keep you safe in an office environment. Plexiglass guards are set to be a popular choice of protective equipment between desks that are close together and at reception desks to protect staff. These are likely to be around for a while longer, even after things start getting back to normal. Wearing a face covering is unlikely to be required forever, but in the early stages of returning to normal after the pandemic, it’s advisable to wear one to work since they are very effective in reducing the risk of infection.

Carry Hand Sanitizer:

Keeping your hands clean is one of the top ways to reduce your risk of catching COVID19 since one of the main ways that it is spread is when you touch a contaminated surface and then touch your face. Since we all touch our faces subconsciously throughout the day for various reasons, it’s often easier to try and keep your hands clean at all times rather than to try and not touch your face at all. Hand sanitizer is the ideal way to do this when you can’t get to the bathroom or kitchen, but try and wash your hands with soap and running water periodically throughout the day too.

Stay Distanced:

Returning to the office is likely to look different in the beginning, with more space available for each employee. Social distancing is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of infection; even with the vaccination program rolling out it’s advised to stay at least six feet away from others wherever possible. Keeping your distance at the office will not only protect you, but also keep colleagues, clients, and others safe.

Take Advantage of Flexible Working:

Working from home is certainly not for everybody, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to get back to normal in the office. However, it’s a wise idea to take advantage of flexible working and stick to working at home for some of the week, so that the number of people in the office at any one time is reduced. This gives everyone the chance to come back to work and get back to normal office life, but avoids the building getting crowded.

How do you feel about returning to the office after working from home during COVID19? Let us know!

Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash