I’m pretty sure that you are aware that today is the International Women’s Day. Hope you are celebrating with style and grace. Ohh wait, scratch that, hope you are celebrating it exactly how you want!
About two weeks ago the lovely ladies from Nivea‘s team invited me and a special woman in my life, mom or best friend, to a pampering afternoon at the Nivea House. I took my mom because she’s a big Nivea fan and I knew she would enjoy a glimpse into the “glam life”.
It was a lovely experience that I’m grateful to I had chance to share with my mom. Drinks, makeup, hair, good food by Chef Foa and a fun photo session with Alexandru Galmeanu. You can see outtakes from that day on instagram, here.
So besides a couple of shots from the photo session, I wanna share a couple of things my mom taught me and why I love her, besides that fact she’s my mom.
She let me choose to do whatever I wanted. From the high school I attended to clothes I wore in school, to other life choices of mine. There’s was never the issues of “ohh, you have to that or that, because that’s right”. It was something like “you do you, boo”. If that’s what you want, go for it.
That it’s normal to not be good at everything and I shouldn’t be frustrated about it.
That’s it’s ok to let some people go.
That sometimes is better to drop an argument even though you are absolutely sure that you are right.
To never depend financially on a man or someone else, to make my own money and be able to take care of myself. I’ve heard so many opposite stories about this and it makes me very sad and angry in the same time.

Because she always brings me food when I ask her, ha!
Because she’s a very sweet and calm person, until a certain point that is.
She’s always up for a city break, or traveling in general.
She loves to shop more than I do, she’s actually a shopaholic but doesn’t want to admit. Or she admits and then forgets all about it.
She taught me that everything is possible and I can achieve anything if I work for it and have a little patience.
She taught me that the loss of money or valuable objects is meaningless as long as I’m healthy. I lost my phone & other things, a couple of times when I was kid and I always had the impression that old was coming to an end.
She’s obsessed with Pinterest and dresses accordingly.

A big thank you to Nivea for having us!
What a lovely post! <3
You're both lovely and she seems to be such an amazing mom! Happy women's day to both of you! ♥