First of all, I know the set is kinda meh, but it has been a long day and I didn’t have the patience to do a prettier one.
This one has been a draft on Polyvore for a couple of weeks, ’cause I just bought another pair from the list above.
Can’t remember if I told you or not but, I’m obsessed with sneakers, like literally obsessed, I buy a pair every other month.. last month I bought two, and now I ordered another one so why not share this crazy little thing of mine with you.
I’m absolutely loving this little ensemble of kicks I put together, already have four of the models featured. I have the Superstars, the Stan Smiths, two pairs actually, the Nike Theas, in bright pink for that matter, and the Reebooks are on their way as I just ordered them today, these ones.
Have to get two more pairs and I’ll need an intervention. The good part is that I know this is a problem..

Spring is here, sneakers at the door. That new balance suede sneakers are nice. Spring are here. Check. Sneakers are here. Check.
Omg cei inflorati sunt deliciosi! 🙂 Si restul…dar pe urma e ca si cum as recunoaste ca si eu sunt obsedata. Si nu-s. nununu 😀