Tell me your pampering moment and win!

I’m going to start, how do I pamper myself? Usually, spending some money on things I don’t actually need and end up regretting afterwards, ha! Who am I kidding? Misses Scrooge in the house! Koko is way worse than me, or good, ohh well.
In all seriousness, I do like to pamper myself from time to time with massages usually, they are so relaxing and chill and zen, uhh, me likey a lot. I should go for one this week. Coffee, cappuccino and co, are part of my daily “pampering” routine, I do enjoy me a good dose of daily caffeine otherwise I am a zombie. I love the taste so much that I’d switch to water for coffee…
The first time I started having caffeinated beverages was sometime in the seven grade when I had morning classes, so  I’d make myself a 3 in 1 cup of something. My mom was keen on not letting  me drink coffee or anything like that, from an early age.  No frappucinos back then either.
Mainly because I was already hyper and annoying, but I blame her because she drank instant coffee mixed with cola all the day during her pregnancy, so yeah… Maybe that’s why I love coffee so much!
After this slightly unnecessary TMI story I wanted to tell you that I have a little surprise for you.; 5 pampering kits from LaFesta, each containing 3 boxes of Hot Chocolate, Cappuccino and 3 in 1 coffee.
All you have to do is leave a comment telling me about your pampering moment!

Also, LaFesta is having a sweet competition, every package contains a code that enters you to win lots of jewelry pieces. Kinda cool, no?
So yeah, besides getting high on hot chocolate you can win some other prizes too.

Hurry, hurry, tell me your pampering moment!
One week, good luck!
Sharing is caring, mwah

Felicitari: Nadia Candrea, Florina Pandrea, Zaman Alexandra, Irina Andrei & Beatrice Alina Dobre.


  • Hello you sexy blogger:*
    Weeeeel, for me pampering contains a good, warm cup of hot chocolate drank next to a decorated fir with my boyfriend masaging my feet :)))

  • My pampering moment is coming home from work and evening Master classes, having a bath and then slipping in in my fluffy onesie with a cup of something warm while watching tv series. Alternatively, grabbing a quick cappuccino in the kitchen at work with a couple of colleagues will also do the pampering trick.

  • Hello, my fav part of the day is giving myself a long bubbling bath, it s all the pampering I can need 😉

  • After a long day staring at a computer screen there's really nothing better than taking some time out and having a good old pamper in the evening.Things always start by putting on the kettle, followed by some super speedy makeup removal and cleansing. Out of all of the triggers (air con, diet, stress etc.), dehydration is the biggest factor that can make my skin become sensitive, so whilst I'm taking my makeup off I always have a hot chocolate or a cappuccino at hand,next to a glass of water to make sure I'm staying hydrated (and hot chocolate proper mellows me out so it's super relaxing) – but the purified water in the cleansing water also helps to keep my skin happy, hydrated and healthy looking! Once I'm done removing my makeup I then follow it up with a balm cleanser and a mask to nourish and sooth the skin. After this I run myself a bath and then continue with my evening skincare routine before chilling out with a book or watching Vikings!

  • Haha :)) am aceeasi problema cu mama si cafeaua, e contra la asa ceva, cu toate ca de curand am rugat-o sa mi ia fix o cutie din asta minunata de 3 in 1 si asa a facut fara vreun comentariu :)) de obicei, momentu meu de pampering e dupa ce vin obosita de oriunde si aplic regula mea cu "baia de o ora" ce inseamna cu ritual de incretire�������� in spuma cu lumanarele, betisoare, muzica din aia chill de meditatie… Dupa asta ma pun in pat usually cu nachos sau cipsuri si stau la aproximativ 10-15 minute dintr-un film oarecare si dupa asta adorm,e ca un bad habit pe care nu vreau sa il controlez. So,cam asta-i pamperingu' meu. Kisseeees ����

  • O cafea mare cu lapte condensat este momentul meu preferat din zi. Daca mai adaug si o patiserie pe langa…ce sa mai. Sunt binedispusa intreaga zi.
    Cu gandul asta ma culc si tot cu gandul asta ma trezesc !
    Multumesc !

  • Un moment al meu preferat este o cana mare de ciocolata calda,daca mai are si aroma de vanilie sau rom,mai bine:)Imi place sa o beau si sa citesc blogurule ,sa privesc pe youtube sau sa citesc ceva bun:)

  • Momentul meu de răsfăț total este în ziua mea libera, cu o cana mare de ciocolata calda și o carte buna, pijamalele preferate! ☕����

  • Hey!!!
    Momentele mele de rasfat inseamna numaidecat o ceasca de cafea buna, aburinda, aromata, cu o lingurita mica de zahar. Si am parte de aceasta in fiecare zi, thanks for God!
    Rasfat mai este si cand ma alinta fiica-mea, de trei ani si opt luni, si cand ne gadilim si cand cantam impreuna!
    Rasfat este si cand ne adunam cu totii in jurul meselor bogate, incununate de un pahar de vin rosu, iscusit de tatal meu.
    Rasfat inseamna sa fim sanatosi, sa ne bucuram de fiecare zi, sa primim cu bucurie si intelegere tot ce ne ofera Viata.
    Pupici, sarbatori minunate!!!

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