The lovely Floria will be 5 on the 18th of July and I’ll 25 tomorrow, so happy birthday to us. A quarter life crisis is sneaking up on me but nothing on that in this post, I promise.
Floria is celebrating with a fun tag, 5 pieces of advice for 5 years ago you, I was a fresh twenty year old five years ago.
So, these go to the 20 year old me.
- The most important advice I can give to you is to let people go easier and stop stressing about it. You’re still struggling in some cases but trust me, do it!
- Go to the gym, contrary to what you believe right now, you’ll absolutely love it and it will become a little obsession. Aww, and do squats, they’ll come in handy, *wink* No, you still can’t run, sorry to break to you.
- The other day I saw a couple of portraits taken for your future braces, yeah you’ll get braces and other stuff, it will be a long process but I know you’ll have patience and it will worth it. What I was about to say, oh yes, CHANGE YOUR EYEBROWS. I know you think they are awesome and everybody says that too, but they are all lies, lies, I’m telling you!
- Stick to your gut, always, hear me, always!
- And last but not least have more patience, everything will fall into place.
That was it. Thank you Floria for the beautiful white roses and for the tag! Koko, I’m giving this one to you because if you remember, we met 5 years ago.
Yes, the picture above is 20 year old me, I think that is what I wore on my birthday that year 🙂
If you wanna try your hand at the tag, please do.
He he, cum e fara aparatul dentar? Am vazut ca parca l-ai dat jos si eram super curioasa. Ti-ai pus retainer fix?
@silvia: Inca nu m-am obisnuit in totalitate, ti se schimba "fata" mult, nu stiu sa iti explic. Plus ca mananci altfel, it's different a world :)))
Da, nu e chiar retainer, seamana dar e mai "slab" ca retainerul, e o contentie pe care trebuie sa o port cam tot timpul.
cum adica "Yes, the picture above is 20 year old"? D, if you are in your 40s, you look damn fine, gurl!! Pupici
Time flies, a? :))
@BeautyInsider, ma omoara engleza asta :)))
Happy birthday to you, greeting from Belgium
fashion is finally recognizing what we always knew – a lot of us women are shaped like, well… women! This often means more curves than seen on the average catwalk model.
Fashion Accessories
La Multi Ani, to you both ! 🙂
Este adevarat ca viata alaturi de un copil te schimba foarte mult. Mi-a placut tare mult ideea cu sportul: dupa ce am devenit mama am inceput sa practic sportul in mod regulat. Si ai dreptate: practicarea exercitiilor fizice incepe sa devina o obsesie, un mod de a petrece putin timp cu tine 🙂 !