Well, I have exciting news! I’m part of an awesome project from Intel and Lenovo for Romanian Design Week that will take you through the most iconic moments of Ro’s Fashion History.
Yeah, yeah, I’m a curator and I’m on video also, first one in 7+ years of blogging if I may say. Yes, I know video is the future but wait until you listen my voice… And I seem so calm and serene, at least that’s what people who saw it already said, ha! Appearances, appearances..
When Intel and Lenovo asked my talk about an iconic moment/ character / design for the #intelandlenovoforfashion , Leny Caler came to mind. She was an actress, muse and “jewel” of the interwar period. She inspired works of Camil Petrescu, Mihail Sebastian, Tudor Musatescu and even Tudor Arghezi wrote stellar reviews about her. Aww and she toggled the diva and tomboy styles…
Anyway, watch the video below which you can go see at Hanul Gabroveni, and after you see it go check out the product design galleries, amazing!
Tomorrow is the proper launch of the project at 10 am, again at Hanul Gabroveni, so if you wanna come join me, let me know, it will be fun!
Discover more iconic moments curated by Ana Morodan (anamorodan.com), Ovidiu Muresanu (ovidiumuresanu.com) Alina Gherghe (Imalintz.com), Ioana Liliana Gheorghe (fashezine.com), Liana Popa – (avetisiperoz.ro), Ioana & Claudiu (mauvert.com) & Gabriela Atanasov (sweetpaprika.ro) on Intel’s Youtube Channel and seriously, come see us tomorrow or until Sunday.