See, I wear colorful clothes too, ha!
No seriously, black is a choice, but when I saw this fuchsia frock Kiki surprised me with it, I was like, hell yeah, I’m wearing this to the wedding. No, I didn’t blend in 🙂
Stepped out of my dark comfort zone, if you can call it that way.
Life is a string of choices, wearing a black or fuchsia dress, changing your job, getting married, whether you stay or you go and so on. Sometimes, luck kicks in, and makes everything easier. You’re lucky that you made the right choice.
I feel that I’m not making any sense.
Still, the choices you make shape your reality! And the reality is that I’m wearing a fuchsia dress… I’m such a deep and thoughtful person :))))))))))
Ok, I’m done..
KIKI DUMITRESCU DRESS ( actually I’m wearing two dresses)
PIXIE SHOES CUSTOM MINT SANDALS ( I wanted a model without an ankle strap)
Arati minunat:)coafura, machiajul, rochia..totul arata foarte bine!
Nice outfit, I love your use of colours
Imi place blogul tau, te voi urmari cu interes
Îmi plac sandalele. Sunt foarte drăguțe. 😀
you look amazing!!
imi plac incaltarile, arati foarte bine !