First of all, tgif! Though, I have a feeling that this will be a busy weekend for me. Second, today will talk a bit about addictions. What kind of addictions? Well, not alcohol, and definitely not sex, drugs & rock&roll. I got you fooled a bit with the title, didn’t I?
Coffee darlings, coffee! In my book, that’s an addiction, a good one! I can drink coffee any day, at any given hour. So, yeah, I’m addicted.
Recently, Mr. T came into my life and my addiction has deepened…
Who is Mr. T? Well, Ms. T. is actually Tassimo. In case you don’t know, Tassimo is a hot drinks system, more than your usual coffee machine, it can prepare a variety of beverages, including espresso, cappuccino and latte macchiato at the touch of a button.
Now, I did have another lover before Mr.T, but trust me, Mr. T is way better…
Along with Mr. T, I had the chance to try a new coffee selection, Carte Noire which is pretty awesome. I usually drink my coffee with sugar and a lot of milk, but this time I wanted to make a change so I tried Carte Noire without any enhancements , great choice, it has a unique and intense flavor with a velvety taste.
Along with Mr. T, I had the chance to try a new coffee selection, Carte Noire which is pretty awesome. I usually drink my coffee with sugar and a lot of milk, but this time I wanted to make a change so I tried Carte Noire without any enhancements , great choice, it has a unique and intense flavor with a velvety taste.
Also, you should really try the Caramel Latte Machiatto from Jacobs, it’s so damn delicious!
Yours truly at the first date!

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