Other than the fact that I procrastinate about every aspect of my life except going to the gym , not much happened 🙂
got together with the lovely Sandra & Eve, discovered a new awesome lunch spot and ate a delicious carrot soup…aww and how cute is S’s hat?
Polyvore sent a super cute Christmas gift, which arrived last week… love them!
was a social butterfly along with Koko then she braided my hair… yes, she did (last pic)!
got spoiled, on Saturday, with a big cookie and a delicious caramel latte…. on Sunday, got two nerdy braids and fooled around with a guitar.. aww, and I was about to buy that leopard coat…
See, told you… lazy days 🙂
Foarte draguta prima poza cu tine 🙂
Cutie pie! <3
Cute hat!