I didn’t post one of these in such a long time… but this week’s version will be only with outfits shots 🙂 For the rest follow me at @denisaluntraru.

My silly expression this morning before the aerobic classes started. I love arriving early to enjoy a coffee and occupy my spot.

Got me a Murmur skirt, now I have two. Mwhahaha!

It’s amazing how I can go from lady like, ehhm let’s say lady like, to hobo hipster in 3 seconds:)

And more black!
All you need to look hot is black 😛
Nice outfits and pics also.
Iti sta foarte bine si in negru si imi place mult aceasta culoare pentru ca e atat de elegant uneori 🙂
Mi-a scapat Instagram dar acum ti-am dat follow 😀
Expresia ta din prima fotografie e atat de comica, ce bine ca poti ajunge la o ora cand e liber si te poti desfasura in voie. Imi place mult fusta din ultima imagine.
The fashion is very essential for women. Without fashion
there is nothing in this world.
super tare (Y)
frumoase poze 😉