Ladies, I discovered paradise!
Where’s that? Murmur! Damn, damn, damn! Told you I had lost my working out motivation for a while, well, it’s back! Came the moment I put the Dogma skirt on.
Every Murmur piece is heavenly 🙂
The Braun Silk – epil 7 campaign ( have you entered the giveaway ?!? ) has lots of surprises, so next week, along with nine bloggers, I’ll strut on the catwalk dressed in a customized Murmur outfit, alongside
Can you guess which one is it?
Check the blog’s facebook page tomorrow morning, to win a double invite to the event.
awesome look !
visit my blog : http://nicoraulea.blogspot.ro/
Ultima rochie este absolut superba!
Esti foarte sexy!
Iubesc fustele asa ca si pentru mine ar fi Paradisul acolo :)) foarte frumoase sunt toate tinutele, dar mie mi-a placut mai mult prima, a treia si a patra tinuta 😀
Frumoase rochite 😉
Si mai frumoasa silueta.