Part of my loot, the Sabio bio shea butter is quite amazing!

I’m trying to develop the lifestyle section of this blog, in order to do that, besides different posts I’ll share cool & healthy spots online and offline.
First from the above named is BioCorner, a great resource of bio food, drinks and cosmetics + a couple of other awesome items. I discovered recently, such a pity because the porridge, ohh the porridge the porridge I found there is divine.
Lots of you asked me what I did to loose weight ( I didn’t loose that much weight, build muscles instead) , well besides going to the gym like there’s no tomorrow, I started to eat more healthy, most of time. The later part of equation, is harder than the first one, because you know, I do like to eat * wink * and sometimes the healthy alternative isn’t always yummy. No, I don’t cook that often, my life would be easier if I did.
The reason I’m telling you this is that at BioCorner I found delicious healthy sweets, and the best damn porridge ever. Trust me, I ate my fair share of porridge, which surprisingly I like, but my apricot and dates porridge, is a treat, and bio, and healthy!
Also, got a Logoena bottle which because of the golden ratio, Flower of Life, carefully-selected materials, gives the water a fresh, agreeable, unadulterated, and natural flavor. Water once again arranges itself symmetrically as it corresponds to its basic structure, the hexagon.
All in all, go visit BioCorner offline at no4 George Calinescu street and online at biocorner.ro, to see & try everything yourself 🙂
ps: I’m aware I used the word porridge way too many times 🙂