Whether you’re taking someone out for a first date, third date or 20th wedding anniversary, it’s always a nice feeling to know you’ve impressed with your choice of venue. Romantic dinners for two are always high on the list of best dates, but only if you make absolutely sure to choose somewhere with the right atmosphere, the right menu, and of course, service that makes you feel special. Finding those hidden gems that you’ll want to return to year after year isn’t easy, so take a look through these top tips for finding the perfect restaurant.
Judging by the cover
First impressions count, so try and find somewhere that’s attractive on the outside as well as the inside. This doesn’t have to mean a spectacular antique facade or five-star hotel, just somewhere that looks inviting, atmospheric, and right for you. Make sure it’s easy to find, as well – trying your date’s patience and stamina by dragging them around a city insisting you remember a wonderful little place ‘somewhere around here’ is never a good way to start, so map out your route thoroughly before you leave.
Happy to see you
Good service is an absolute must on a date, as the most exciting meal can be tainted by a grumpy waiter or hour delay on your main course. Although you can’t try out every potential venue before taking your partner, it’s well worth asking your friends and family to recommend places where they’ve enjoyed exceptional meals to be sure you know what you’re getting yourself in for. Basil Fawlty-style service can make a great story years later, but is generally a lot less fun to live through at the time.
A matter of taste
Easier to navigate if you’ve been in a relationship for years than at the start of something new, try to make sure you’re not inadvertently letting your date in for a private culinary hell. Although most adults will eat anything to be polite, there’s always a chance that someone harbours a deep-rooted hatred of onions, suffers from wheat allergies or just hasn’t mentioned yet that they’re a vegan. Asking ahead is always preferable to last minute plan changes, so the more you can find out about your date’s tastes in advance, the more likely you are to choose a menu you’ll both love.
Fit the bill
If you’re hoping to splash out on some gourmet dining, an American Express charge is a great way to earn reward points back on virtually all your spending. With an American Express Gold, you’ll even get bonus reward points for spending £2,000 in your first three months.