Though we may still be experiencing some unexpected good weather in these autumnal months, it’s definitely time to think about how you’re going to prepare your wardrobe for winter.
Stylistically, winter can be a tough time, as keeping warm often requires you to layer and wear bulky coats and jumpers. However, there are a number of steps you can take to begin fashion preparations. Here we take a look at five of the most basic winter wear principles and explain how they’re applicable to your style.
1. Make the most of what you have
Not only are great winter outfits difficult to find, they can also be incredibly expensive to put together. Coats and jumpers in particular are very expensive, though anything that offers any warmth will usually carry a hefty price tag.
Consequently, it’s a good idea to make the most of what you have, recycling old outfits and adapting them to meet the winter conditions.
2. Accessorize
If you’re struggling to create stylish outfits in winter, you may want to rely upon accessories to help you out. The cold weather presents you with the opportunity to make the most of great hats, beautiful gloves and, if you’re really going for it, a fancy new umbrella. Jewellery can also play a big part in your outfits, really accentuating certain features.
3. Don’t forget comfort
Whatever you do with your winter outfits, make sure that you don’t forget comfort. Though you may look fantastic going out in a flimsy dress in the middle of December, you won’t feel as great! Be sensible and don’t martyr yourself for the fashion cause. Chances are that a lack of comfort will make you feel terrible and you’ll end up unhappy with what you’re wearing anyway.
4. Buy quality
When it comes to buying a high cost item that will see you through the winter, such as a coat or winter shoes, it may be better to spend a little more for better quality. A more expensive coat that sees you through a few winters will prove better value than a slightly cheaper item that barely gets you through one.
5. Travel in style
Finally, you’ll also need to think about a stylish way to get around in the terrible winter weather. Mercedes has a range of new cars that may just be the perfect option, as it combines fantastic looks with unbelievable comfort and performance. It really is the only way to travel in style.
Are you honestly suggesting to buy a Mercedes as a winter fashion tip?