More than a week ago, my friend Cristina asked me if she could take a couple of photos of me for a kind of photography 1 to 1 lesson. How could I turn down the opportunity to take some photos? Really now.
Well, I wasn’t quite in my best photo ready self but the pics turned out ahhmazing .That’s what happens when you’re surrounded by talented photographers! Aww and I ended up with great “modelling” tips too.
These are my favorites blog appropriate photos, can’t quite post the other ones here… or I could, yeah, I could… ok, just one:)
Cristina’s site will be ready soon, but in the meantime visit her facebook page. Aaaand, I’ll probably post more photos on the blog’s fb page.

I have so little attention span…
Si eu am facut poze acolo, la muzeu. E foarte frumoasa locatia!
Ultima e super tare! 🙂
Hahahahha, the last photo is classic. Your friend did a great job. The photos are simple and the scene looks so peaceful.
Last one is so stirring 🙂 love those pics…
Women's fashion
ce draguuut! ador dungile :*
Ce frumoase sunt pozele :X Imi place mult locatia, dar si tinuta ta, in special bluzita.
Hi there! I love all the photos, only that the last one is a bit hilarious. Anyway, thanks a lot for making me smile at least for a couple of minutes. Actually, I’m the kind of person who is camera shy. So I’m not fond of taking photos of myself but I love capturing other peoples photos and moment