I’ve been meaning to post this about two hours ago but all I’ve done is write and delete, write and delete. It doesn’t help that on HBO is In Time.
Well let me tell you about these sunglasses I’m wearing, love, love them, first pair of such shape. Ok, I did have a similar pair before, but you know the story, headaches. This pretty pair is from the lovely people of Sunglasses Shop, you know, they carry a wide selection of designer sunglasses.
back to the movie now…
Aww, and excuse my face, I need somebody to constantly remember to smile… not in a creepy way that is..
Reiss blouse
All Saints jeans
DKNY Sunglasses c/o
Kore Ivy bag
Parfois accessories
photos by Costin

Wow, arati superb. Cred ca asta este outfit postul preferat din toate ale tale 🙂
You look lovely in these photos! Love that red shirt <3 <3
Ce draguta esti, ti se potriveste culoarea bluzei 🙂
Ce bine iti sta in rosu! Super poze!
great look! 🙂
Dragut…imi place
that red top looks so nice on you!!
great color =)
Nu te-am mai vizitat de mult asa ca acum iti scotocesc blogul. Minunata tinuta 🙂