Daenerys Targaryen Iphone Case

Lazy Saturday over here,  first one in a couple of weeks, don’t know actually know how I end up working on weekends sometimes, well, bad timing perhaps. I took advantage of the gloomy weather today, read  and catch up with my tv shows, have you seen the new Game of Thrones trailer? I’m super excited about the new season, even though I know what happens… brace yourselves…

Knowing that I’m a huge fan of Daenerys Targaryen, Costin surprised me with a custom made Iphone case with Dany’s illustration. Really now, how awesome is it? Love, love it. The illustration is by him, you can check out more on Society6
Of course we took a couple of pics, and Costin couldn’t refrain himself from making a gif.  I find it quite funny but not accurate, because I was checking my email.
Also, as much as I love my iphone, after that incident last fall in Brasov I don’t carry this one with me around at certain evening events, paranoid over here. That can be dreadful sometimes, last night for sure, even though I have a back up phone, I can’t take pictures or access to the internet. So, I’m contemplating of getting another phone,  one a little more accessible and I’m going to with a Samsung this time,  not sure which one but the Galaxy Ace S5830 from http://www.dialaphone.co.uk sounds pretty neat.  Any other suggestions? 


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