If we are friends on facebook or you’re following the blog’s page you already know how I spent my Saturday. Yep, that’s right, snowboarding! My first time.
Just a couple of details about me, I’m paranoid and afraid of “life” endangering activities. I was that type of a child that wouldn’t climb a tree to not broke a bone or something like that, just to give you an example. Still, I did have quite a few accidents.
So, when S. came up with the idea last summer that I should learn snowboarding, I was like “Are you mad? That’s not going to happen”. I didn’t want to break my neck, legs, hands, ruin my braces… end up in a gap near the slope, you get the point. Told you, paranoid chicken.
Disregarding all of my above fears and because of the do it for the story state that I’ve been in lately, I tried it and freakin’ loved it, absolutely loved it… so much that I abandoned the bunny slope for the big one, such an amazing feeling.
Now, I’m thinking of buying my own gear, but next year… S@Project Fairytale borrowed me the outfit *wink*
Try something new, you may be surprised!
Wow! That must have been an awesome experience! 🙂
XO, Mish @ http://starmishie.blogspot.com
PS, Quick giveaway on my blog! 2 days left! ENTER HERE!
oh congrats 🙂
si eu sunt la fel de paranoica :))
acum 3 ani m-am pus pentru prima data pe ski-uri .
Mi-am cumparat echipament si tot ce mi-a trebuit… ski-urile erau un pic grele pentru mine, partia prea abrupta, dupa cateva ture s-a intamplat ce nu trebuia… am cazut si m-am lovit rau la picior , am ajuns la urgente , diagnostic : intorsatura de ligament … apoi am mai stat un an , mi-am luat ski-uri mici , si dupa cateva ture iar am cazut si m-am lovit la celalalt picior.. anul trecut am stat cuminte, si cred ca anul asta mai incerc o data :))
si uite ce comentariu kilometric ti-am lasat :))
PS : prima poza e de tablou ♥
Amazing. So nice dear.