This will be a slightly split post, ro & en.
Hello ladies, I’m sure you’ve heard about the DallesGO classes by now.
Now they have loads of them, see below, but I find the Style & Interior Design ones more interesting, well, guess why?
The style course has two levels, for beginners & advanced and they are taught by Irina Markovits respectively Ovidiu Buta. You have the opportunity to learn about fashion history, trends & more. An intimate meeting with the fashion industry + How to become a fashion stylist
More info on the site & on facebook.
Ce poţi învăţa odată intrat în Universul DallesGO:
- Dezvoltare personală
- Hairstyling
- Stilisim & tendinţe în modă începători şi avansaţi
- Make up începători şi avansaţi
- Fotografie începători şi avansaţi
- Design Interior
- Relaţii publice
- Advertising