A.k.a. the rally from hell for me! At one point I was seriously fearing for my life.
I was super excited about this event, a fun road trip to Brasov with pit stops on the way, what could get wrong? Well, let me tell you that quite everything, thank God we didn’t have an accident… still, we where quite close to run over someone.
Besides the ladies with Citroen cars that participated in the rally, Joy readers that is, there where 10 divas, celebrities, paired with 10 journalists, from which two were bloggers, myself included. And no, I don’t consider myself a journalist.
I was paired with the most diva of them all, not in a good way, some people just don’t have common sense you know. I have a really short fuse, but I kept my calm during the rally because it wasn’t worth it, and at one point ran out of f***s to give. I can’t say I’m the best copilot ever but still.

Team 5 rode in a Citroen DS4, awesome, awesome car and there were 6 circuits that we had to follow to arrive to the pit stops, a couple of gas stations, Peles Castle, another one that I can’t remember and our final destination, Ramada Hotel Brasov.
We had a road book, a couple of timelines to calculate, depending on the distance and km per hour, which were simple in comparison with all the types of math I did in college.
You don’t drive with 120 km/h when the medium speed is 48km/h *wink*!

pit stop
If Mercury wasn’t almost retrograde, as Silvia put it, the whole event could have been amazing but to top it all, my phone was stolen so no photos besides the ones on instagram. Also, I avoided the cameras at the event too…
Other than that, I met a couple of wonderful people!
Aww, there’s quite a reaction if you say you’re from a gossip newspaper;)

view from the hotel
M-am distrat citind postarea,mai ales anumite pasaje, desi stiu ca sigur nu a fost amuzant pentru tine. Nu ne spui cu cine ai fost in echipa? 🙂 I'm curious.
oh, forget Brasov.
i adore your new template.
please tell me you didn't payed a fortune or you were lucky enough to install it for free :(.
i am so so tired of searching for the perfect theme for me.
@raluca marie wolfski: well, not quite a fortune but still! it's by Amanda of lustluxelove:)
@TheMayDay: am scris intr-un post anterior dar am ales sa tin pentru mine… sunt poze oficiale de la event pe fb daca esti curioasa;)