I spent a good part of today at PUMA’s Creative Factory, mostly observing because me and paint, don’t mix that well. We each received an organic t-shirt and tote bag we had to paint, and enter a team contest for most creative design.
PUMA has partnered with Wildlife Works and Lumi for this year’s PUMA Creative Factory, and we had the opportunity to create fun t-shirts and bags using Lumi paint, stencils & prints. Like I said, I didn’t go so far by actually trying to paint the t-shirt, but I think I did a pretty good job with the tote bag and a stencil.
Costin had the marvelous idea to include our pics on the t-shirt, so that’s how my face, Manuela‘s and Costin‘s got on the t-shirt in a twisted distressed horror story like way. It’s that obvious that I have an obsession with AHS?
It was super fun because mostly everybody in our team was really involved in the t-shirt design process and I was like a grumpy old lady, mostly because I woke up late and didn’t have time to enjoy my coffee, saying we have no chance! And, guess what? I was right!
From what I’ve seen, my favorite design was the one below with the stethoscope.

And me being my nerdy grumpy self enjoying a cupcake;)