Now, I know I didn’t post for a couple of days, no excuse I’m just lazy, at least I’m sincere.
I just saw Three steps above heaven, hence the title, go check it out, it’s great for a Monday afternoon but then you’ll want to see part two… Uhhm yes, I’m going to see the sequel asap!
About the outfit, I have a feeling that this baroque print skirt will soon become one of my favorites, love the print, love the color, love the shape, pencil skirts for the win!
atmosphere skirt and top too (not sure)
zara sandals
parfois bag & accessories

Your Atmosphere skirt & my Atmosphere pants = ♥ Love the wedges, too!
Very pretty!Love it!
Foarte misto si fusta si combinatia!
P.S. Ce enervant ca de fiecare data cand intru de pe FB sa iti las un comment merge prin networked blogs nu pot 🙁 Nu se poate face nimic oare?
@silvia: din pacate, nu cred:(
Grozava fusta, Denisa, o vreau si eu!!! Daca cumva, printr-o minune te plictisesti de ea, let me know!:)
e superba fustita!
Imi place mult geanta!
Ador fusta asta!! Superba<3
Gorgeous skirt :X
Love the skirt and the bag x
Pretty! I like your T-shirt! Great contrast.
Imi place mult fustita!
Mi-a placut mult filmul, i-am facut si review, la mine, daca vrei sa citesti iti las link-ul mai jos. Acum astept sa apara si partea a doua, a avut release in iunie.
me gusta :X:XX este superba rochia :X
Very cute! I really like the print on your skirt and the cool slouchy black shirt paired with it. Your sandals are fantastic too!