life lately

Now the first photo is a bit old, from the first days in Cyprus but let me tell you that I still miss that bed… Cray, cray, I know! I should have done a life lately, vacation edition, but that’s that, next time… next time means September and if now my instagram feed is full of sandals and shorts, then it will be full of jackets and jeans. 
Well,  awesome gifts from polyvore waited for me home and in my inbox. Told you several times that poly rocks!
As for the book, actually the whole trilogy, I just jumped the wagon out of curiosity…
A lovely necklace made by S. for my birthday, love love it!
Wish mag finally arrived, it’s amazing, got get a copy asap!
The best pic from an outfit shoot last week, uhhm yeah, imagine how the other ones look:)
Wish you a great week lovelies and  don’t forget to follow me on instragram for more pics ( nookie07)!


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