Last Friday was my graduation festivity, because I didn’t actually graduate, there’s still a thesis exam to take… other than that.
I’m not going to be all mushy & co, but three years passed so soon, finished college, next week I’ll be 22 and… ok, I’m starting to be all cheesy and sentimental. Still, I’ll miss my classmates, all the stupid jokes during courses, that not so tasty cappuccino from the coffee vending machine, all the stalking observing… no, I’m not going to tell you more about that… at least not now.
Ohh well, back to the fashion part, I wore a Dorothy Perkins dress, simply adore the print, Romwe mint bag and random shoes.
<3 your dress!
Iti urmaresc blogul de foarte mult timp, dar niciodata nu ti-am lasat vreun comentariu. Vreau sa-ti spun ca esti mereu o sursa de inspiratie, so chic and classy. kisses
Imi place outfit-ul ♥
ce faina rochie! superba! 🙂
I looove the dress and you look so pretty in this style! congrats on graduation!
Superba rochita <3
This dress is gorgeous, and it looks so great with that mint bag!
Congratulations on your graduation! You look lovely! 🙂
XO, Mish
PS, Rire GCs International Giveaway on my blog!
Uniqso Circle Lens International Giveaway on my blog! 🙂
Very pretty!Love this look!
Ma obsedeaza pantofii aia ai tai de cand ni i-ai aratat prima data:P Frumi:*
Congrats dear, you look beautiful!
Am vazut o rochita asemanatoare pe site-ul raspberry si foarte-foarte ieftina, dar pe alb cu dantela neagra, parca 🙂
Rochia!! E absolut superba <3
kiss kiss,
The Indie Chase Blog
Congratulations on your almost-graduation! You looked beautiful in your graduation dress. I love the print on it.