You know how I’ve always had an obsession with bags? Of course you do! I’m so happy to introduce you to my very own bag line, KORE.
Right now, KORE consists in a capsule collection of 5 bags, which tends to your everyday carrying needs. The line includes a tote, Anthea, an oversized bag, Irene, a box bag, Helena, a clutch, Daphne and last but not least a carryall handbag, Korinna, all bags are hand crafted from Italian calf leather, with luxurious golden hardware, all handpicked by yours truly.
For more details/ information or anything regarding KORE contact me at denisa [@] korebags [.] com or contact [@] korebags [.] com
We have a special tumblr blog too, clicky here to check it out, cinemagraph alert, and don’t forget to like KORE on facebook.
Now I leave you with the campaign pics shot by the super talented Sandra Negrea, modeled by Irina G.

love the burgundy bag!
Congrats! I love the tote.
Toate sunt absolut superbe, insa cea portocalie m-a fermecat, e perfecta!! felicitari!
Congratulations! Good fortune with your firm, I actually love your designs!
Sunt foarte frumoase toate!
Succes cu acest proiect!
Finally, you revealed it! 😀 I love the bags, simple, chic, wonderful! 😀
Congratulations! I love all of them, especially the grey one ♥
These bags are great, congratulations!
Good job, Denisa! the bags are amazing and they do fir your personality, but also our needs! confratulations and good luck with your wonderful new line!
So cool! Congrats, lovely ♥ ♥
Felicitari!!! am vazut cateva modele f dragute!!
Ce dragut. Te felicit si mult suuces cu ele…Sa le vinzi pe toate odata!
Love this! The orange bag is my fave 🙂
So many great looks and accessories. I'm especially smitten with the gold flats, the red pleated skirt and the bag with the orange stripe.
The color combination is great!