Happy Easter if you celebrate it today!
You’ve already seen a part of this outfit, mainly because we took so many pictures that I exaggerated with this post too, that’s that.
I’m slightly cold and can’t concentrate on anything, the thought that I need to finish my thesis like really soon doesn’t help at all.. procrastination galore:)
Also, I did a lot of retail therapy over the last few days, I have some anger management issues and somehow shopping helps, is that or smashing stuff in people’s heads and spending is better for everyone, you know, helping the economy… Oh well, long story short I bought a couple of awesome pieces, and finally found a pair rolled up jeans that fit me fine. End of rambling!
thrifted shirt seen here too
Paul Smith pants
random shoes
Zara necklace
Camasa si colierul imi plac in mod deosebit. Lovely outfit! :*
Oh you are killing me with that shirt!! I absolutely love it and the shoes are so so yummy! :D:D
Combinatia de culori este absoluuuuut perfecta.:-x love it!
Foarte misto combinatia de culori, neasteptata dar faina!
love this outfit, denisa!
one of my favorites.
Sexy! And by sexy, I mean sexy :D. I liiiiike.
Simply PERFECT!!! Si nu exagerez deloc cand spun asta. xoxo
wow! I love this look and colour of your shirt!
Imi plac la nebunie pozele si tinuta, ofc! Sunt geniali pantofii!
this is definitely one of my fav looks of yours! love the high waisted pants, the shoes, the shirt – everything is perfect together and fits you just right.
Esti adorabila,arati minunat!
Imi place tare, tare, tare!!! 🙂
Love the colours of this outfit! Beautiful shirt!
Awesome look, love the shirt…it suits you so well :X
Those pants and blouse look perfect together 🙂
wow~ such a lovely mix of colours. I like your dark red stilettos. butter cup heels are so pretty I tell ya ^^
HATING THE SHOESS! yet loving all the rest, going to zara to buy that same necklace tomoroww!
extremly love it!
xo, eDina
Nice look. Love the shoes!! <33
cute outfit.
Iti vin perfect pantalonii acestia iar de pantofi ce sa mai spun, sunt superbi!
you look fabolus:)
I love your shirt:)
Such a cool necklace!
superb,superbe culorile.arati minunat! xxxx
hey, i loved your turquoise shirt and those red heels!
i saw your comment at my sale blog, want to inform you about my actual blog: edankb.blogspot.com
followed you too 😉
That necklace is so gorgeous!! Love it with that shirt!
Great styling! Never would have thought to combine all those Colours, but it looks great all together! Gorgeous necklace, btw!
such an amazing necklace!!!
my all time favourite from you; great choice and wearing heels??? that is amazing;)
You look so awesome in those trousers! I just love the red shoes with them. Great contrast of color with the blue top and bright necklace too.
Très beaux: styles, photos, blog!