It’s been about thirty minutes since I’m trying to write a slightly normal text to go with this pictures, delete over and over again…
- so this is how my hair looks like without any enhancing, meaning without using the rotating brush or any kind of brush for that matter:)
- I have a crush on orange blazers, this silky number is old
- this outfit reminds me of another one I posted a couple of weeks ago
- that’s all!
River Island blazer

Esti still pretty, don't worry:P Da geanta aia genialaaaaaaaa de unde e? :X
@Andreea: thanks:D
dintr-un butic dubios din Milano, no name…
I really love that blazer, such a great color!
Love your necklace! So pretty!
I have a big crush on your bag! :)) ♥
Iti sta ft bine si asa!Superba geanta!
lovely girl! love your necklace! xooo
Very nice, shoes and bag are my favorites 🙂
love the necklace! really like the blue and orange combination.
lovely necklace!
Love the orange blazer. I want something like it. It will be perfect for Spring and Summer!
Those SHOES. They are so adorable, I wish they were in my closet! 🙂
great blog!
Those shoes are so cute! I absolutely love the orange blazer too.
Foooarte frumoasa culoarea sacoului!
Loving the orange blazer & the turq necklace is the perfect accessory!
Would love you to stop by my blog…if you love please follow & I'll follow you back xoxo
love the coral jacket. and those shoes are amazing.
ah..in love with that blazer ♥♥