Happy Women’s Day! I wanted to post a photo and tell you more about how amazing mother, but we didn’t have a chance to take a photo together and she’s on a business trip right now. We have photos together but let’s say that they aren’t blogging material. Well, next year, but I’m telling you I have the most amazing mother, I don’t tell her much often but I love her dearly!
Instead, here are a couple of pictures with yours truly from yesterday, Alice said that I look like a lady, but then I opened my mouth and all that went away to say so. I just have sick sense of humor…
You know I’m not a skirt person, though I love skirts, skirts don’t love me back, story of my life and not only regarding skirts, still, I do love this pretty dotted pleated skirt courtesy of TinaR. Pity, that I was really cold and not in the mood for photos..
Sorry ladies, I’m on a chocolate rush, actually on a Heidi pralines rush, delicious!, and I tend to go off road. Also, today I made chocolate, but more on that tomorrow.
the skirt is adorable and you look soo pretty!!!!
like a lady indeed!!!
Omg…I think this must be my favorite outfit of yours!You look gorgeous!
Ce draguta e fustita!
Imi place outfit-ul!
Very nice outfit:)
I like your dress and that great necklace 🙂
very pretty lady! xxx
You do look like a lady 🙂 Love it!
Esti superba,radiezi!♥
I love this look on you! the shoes and skirt are a perfect match and you rock them both!
You look so cute! I like the skirt and the shoes!:) Kisses!:*
That is a really cute skirt! I really love the dots and the sweater looks very nice on you: D
Hihi, bluza asta ai luat-o cu mine :)) ♥ U look lovely! 😀
Like a lady indeed 🙂
love the shoes, they are gorgeous ♥
Love the dress!
wow!! you look so lovely, wonderful skirt and carigan:) you have so sense of style, please visit me in free time:)
Super classy look, love it.
I love your blog, I follow you too!
Ce outfit dragut!:X
Very sophisticated!
Very sophisticated!
stylish lady…like always . :*
Very cute, as usual. I'm really liking your skirt and those cute shoes.