outfit inspiration & undefined style

Lately, I’ve hearing lots of “that’s exactly your style” , “more like your style” and “let’s find something your style” kind of statements, next time I’ll ask, aww really and what’s my style? People around me seem to know very well my style… Funny, right? This week my style was rock chic, pretty casual, preppy and a bit of on the business side; I do love simple, minimal outfits and enjoy crazy layering, prints & co as much as the next person… or not:)
Still,  this outfit, in my eyes is perfect, from the leather sleeves coat & leopard print belt to the oversized bag and red shoes, and I’m not saying anything about the rolled up pants because I am frustrated I can’t find a damn pair for myself…
Blabbering again, I know, that’s what I tend to do when I’m tired. 




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