Mess in a dress ladies, mess in a dress… This weather is getting on my nerves, I think these photos were taken in less than three minutes, three minutes for me and another three for Alice, you know I’m slightly paranoid when it comes to my camera.
I actually wore this outfit today at a local fair, and even though I wouldn’t normally pair the mint/green tights with this outfit, they kept me worm. The boots are a last minute purchase from Zara’s sale , got them yesterday by chance, mostly because I have nothing suitable for this weather besides these boots.
Also, a little shout out to the lovely stylish reader I met today and yet again, I acted like a total weirdo…
zara dress and boots
thrifted shirt & tights
parfois bag

ce draguta esti! foarte frumoasa combinatia culorilor! xxx
You are so pretty, Denisa! I love all the colors in your outfit!:)
I want your dotted shirt:D
Love it!I m crazy about the shirt and the dress!
I adore the colour of your dress! 🙂 xo
i like the dress/tights color blocking you got going on 🙂 very cute!
I think you look very cute! The dotted blouse layered under your pretty blue dress is wonderful!
I like the boots:D. And the tights. And the dress:))
Hi my dear, just discovered your blog and you have a new follower =)
I love blue and green colors in kombi, another day visit COS shop and see same dress colours.
You can visit my DIY for today:
XOXO from Munich
La Vie Quotidienne
You look lovely in blue!
pretty please, de unde ai cumparat bratara aurie?
@Casual Chic in the street: meli melo:)
I love this colour combination! 🙂
Love, Vanilla
Super outfit!
Imi place ca vad culoare iarna!
Love that dress and perfect blouse 🙂
Oh my gosh, this outfit is absolutely gorgeous against the contrasting white of the snow, such a pop of colour! xx
Oh you look so cute like this! I really love the dress and the shape suits you great! 😀
Lovely pictures!:X
Such a pretty dress!
Sunt sigura ca in ciuda faptului ca vremea de afara e oribila de-a dreptul, cu outfit-ul acesta ai pus un zambet pe fata altor oameni…eu ma numar printre ei.Felicitari si multumesc!