These rubber boots are the best item I bought this winter, I know this is the third outfit post with them but, believe me, I didn’t wear anything else… Hopefully, this damn snow will go away before I’ll have meltdown, pun intended:) Don’t be fooled by the background…
Hopefully, I won’t wear them this week so much, I have two pairs of unworn spring shoes and another pair of mid heeled boots that wait patient in the closet.
zara boots
parfois rings & watch
h&m necklace

Love how you have belted your denim shirt 🙂
Iti sta superb in mov si bleu <3
Si eu am umblat numai in cizme de cauciuc in ultimele zile 🙂
lovely outfit! love the way you accessorised the denim shirt.
love this!!! ♥
I absolutely love this color combo!Purple is definitely your color!
cool and colorful! love it!
Hello! You once took part in a giveaway on my blog and now I came back to you to tell you I have new one going on, if you feel like taking part! I wanted to come to share this with you so you could get a new chance to win!
Great combination!
uff ce dragut e colierul. E asa enervant ca H&M aduc la TM only their bullsh**!!!
Imi place mult blazerul cu camasa, dar si mai mult cum ai "legat" cizmulitele de outfit prin colie.
P.S: Te astept pe la mine.
Love this colour combination! I really love your rubber boots! they are so chic! But I hope the weather gets better for you, so you can wear your other shoes 🙂
Love, Vanilla
lovely combo: lila& blue shirt. You're not the only one;I wore my rubber boots a lot this winter.
Cute, I love that purple blazer, it's one of my favorite colors 🙂
love this outfit! gorgeous boots and the whole thing looks really springish, love that!