Are you a nice girl gone B.A.D.? Well, you’re about to be! Check out this awesome collection by young ro designer Bărar Adriana Delia, easy to wear pieces perfect for everyday wear and for special occasions too. Not to mention that you can style them in tons of different ways, mix & match ladies, mix & match!
So, are you a B.A.D girl?
I love the outfit in the first picture – I need that pullover!
Gorgeous collection!
xx, Susann
draguta colectia <3
Love this,never heard of them before,that rust/orange colour maxi is my favourite.
Wishing you all the best for 2012 x
Happy New Year!
i love the first outfit! wonderful styles.
ultimul outfit e preferatul meu <3
is so adorable
Hi lovely, I just found your blog and I like it!!!
Take a look on my blog and if you like we can follow each other?
You like art and fashion?
Good start to the year!
besos, desde España, Marcela♥
Like this outfit.