Now, it seems that everybody’s year was great, at least from what I’ve read on some blogs lately, I’m gonna be honest, my 2011 was great only blog wise, personal wise it wasn’t that brilliant but will get to that too, we can’t have it all, can we?
My 2011 started with a lovely Girlfriend Australia feature, I was so happy with that one, then in February I started DailyDreamDecor, it’s been a bumpy road with DDD because after a blogging rush of a couple of months I neglected it, the goal was to post daily and I started to post weekly but now it’s back on track and it will remain the same. I’m really proud of DailyDreamDecor, it’s in top 20 Interior Design blogs on bloglovin’ and recently featured on Desire to inspire, one my fav design blogs, and another feature is on the way, which I’m super excited about.
Then, there was the awesome Atelier Perwoll collaboration where I got to meet so many inspiring people and see young talents showcase their work. It wasn’t the only judging I did this year, I.D. Sarrieri’s Most Wanted competition, gotta love the ’60s, was another project close to my heart because I do love their lingerie pieces and it included a little styling too, not to mention that the lovely Sandra won it.
First time I dressed a mannequin in 2011, first time ever for that matter, was at Sun Plaza, again ’60s style, just my luck, I had a great time and learned a couple of tips which came in handy for the I.D. Sarrieri project.
Third and last time I played, this year, with ’60s fashion was for New Look, having a whole store for yourself, what not love? Similar to New Look collab was the Dimensione Danza one, pity it left me with a sour taste in the end, still, is was fun too! I was a pseudo model too and posed in a Snobbish Breakfast dress..
The highlight of the year for me was the Milan trip, I had the chance to visit a great city and witness a bit of the buying process of shoes with all it’s and glam and bitter faces, had loads of fun with the Pixie Shoes girls all the year for that matter.

Now the not so brilliant part, in February or March, can’t remember exactly, after a routine check I found out that I have double impacted canines and still have my milk teeth, my reaction, a couple of x-rays latter my first orthodontist started to talk about screws, metal and lots of pain. Well long story short, changed the orthodontist because she scared the s***t out of me, found a really lovely one, did a couple surgeries, installed some arches and next week I’m gonna get braces. It wasn’t hard at all, I was insecure at first about the whole teeth less/brace situation, but after the first surgery it was actually funny and I’m gonna have a beautiful smile when all this is over, people are fixated on looks more than they should be.
Found out people can change how the wind blows and that once again I’m a poor judge of character, lost friendships, met amazing persons and gained new friendships. Found out that I can’t do something that I don’t love, you know, I used to love studying, then I went to college and most importantly, I learned to be grateful for what I have.
So, hope you read it all , I wrote in a hurry and I think I covered it all. Have an amazing time this evening and see you tomorrow with the year in outfits…
So, hope you read it all , I wrote in a hurry and I think I covered it all. Have an amazing time this evening and see you tomorrow with the year in outfits…
Happy new year!
Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
lovely writing!
I wish the best in 2012!
Happy New Year!!!
Un an nou fericit!
Si nu fi speriata din cauza aparatului dentar:)
Si eu il am de vreo 7 luni si nu e mare scofala, desi la inceput eram cam reticenta….n-o sa pot manca, o sa se chiorasca lumea la mine, o sa ma doara etc.
Nimic nu s-a dovedit a fi adevarat (ei bine te doare putin, dar nici pe departe pe cat imi imaginam eu).
SO, good luck and a happy happy new year!
Sa speram ca 2012 va fi un an mai bun college-wise for the both of us…macar ca scapam si tot e bine :))). Ma bucur mult ca ne-am cunoscut, u'r a lovely girl ♥
You're so sweet! ♥
Sper sa ai un an mai bun si sa il incepi cu dreptul, fara alte surprize neplacute! Have fun tonight!
Eva :*
Happy New Year & all the best for the next one!
La multi ani!
Happy New Year, sweetie!
Lovely message girl! Always good to look back and reflect on eerything to welcome the new year with arms wide open!
Hope you had or are having or have a wonderful new years eve and wishing you an even more amazing 2012 🙂
Imi poti recomanda si mie dentistul please? 🙂
@Anya: sigur, dar cel mai bine ar fi sa imi trimiti un mail la 🙂