I must say I picked the worse day to take these photos, bad light, bad hair day and the night before I stayed up to give fime a makeover. Let’s praise Alice ’cause she’s patient and puts up with all my bitching.
The waterfall cardigan is my favorite piece from New Look, along with the ‘60s dress, you know I’ve been looking for a waterfall cardigan and this one is perfect! Transparent dotted bow blouse, star belts, yellow coat + plus awesome shoes and bag? Yes, please!
This week I got more stuff from New Look, including a knitted red pullover and a pair of wedge lace up booties, but those, next time…
Don’t forget to check out New Look’s facebook page for news & fun competitions!

Epic face!
Love your yellow coat! cute blouse too 🙂
Love, Vanilla
I love everything – color of your coat, blouse, bag, swetar…Great 😉
I call new look obsession! I love the polka dot blouse and the coat looks great! and what's that nonsense about bad hair day?
Le vreau pe toate:))
Botinele sunt foarte frumoase!
gorgeous looks! love you,little beautiful girl! xxxx
Faina tinuta! Imi place mult paltonasul, culoarea mai exact :P. De unde e?
You look pretty ♥. Love all the items, especially that dotty blouse 😀
Oh come on…you look gorgeous!!! Oh and that yellow coat…I'm drooling right now
Super!paltonul,bluza,ghetele,imi place tot
Great look ! Love the bag
the cardigan is really beautiful! the color, the shape, love it! you look beautiful!
The photos turned out fantastic! I really love that cardigan too, it suits you great and the shoes… pure beauty!! O.O
Love the polka dotted blouse!
Love the coat and the polka dot shirt! You look amazing! Kisses
Just perfect! I love both outfits. The handbag is amazing.
You look great! I love the cardigan. Kisses
Ooo! I love your yellow jacket! The color is so pretty. Great shoes and cardigan too!
Dude, I love this 😡 I hate u! :))
Thank you for commenting on my blog. Love your bag! Hello from Helsinki!
cuuuute <3
love this post and also your blog! I follow u!
pass to my blog and if it likes you follow me back 😀
Beautiful pics, I love the shoes!
I follow u time ago, follow me 🙂
There is Giveaway on my blog I wait u!
And a new post!
My Free Choice
So pretty! Love your boots!
Love the polka dot blouse. Love red!!!
Fashion Cat
Imi place paltonul mult, vreau si eu sa imi iau. Exact culoarea aceasta. Cum este, este calduros?
Love your yellow outerwear and you bag!! you look so pretty!!<3
btw, thank you for your comment on my blog<3
I'm following you now!!
Would you like to follow me back?
keep in touch!!<3
@Fedorova: New Look:)
@locke: foarte calduros!
Lovely blouse!
These photos are so cute, and you look so good! I like this post!
Take a look at my blog, and if you like it follow me, I’ll be waiting for you!
Don’t forget to enter the ZELEB giveaway on my blog!!
Cosa mi metto???
great look! and finally smiling in some pics!!!
i love the yellow sweater!
i <3 your blog!!! i'd loved it if we followed each other!!!!
The shoes are very pretty!
The coat is just perfect! I have a short blazer that exact mustard color and I luv it!
Deci imi place TOOOOT!<3
bad hair day? where is it?
i can't see it 🙂
don't be so harsh!
you look pretty pretty from head to toe!
useless to say i would take away a bit that bag and that oh so cute blouse!
imi plac enorm pantofii tai, dar si culoarea paltonului. O tinuta tare draguta!
Wow, your shoes are amazing…and the outfit is perfect! 🙂
i like it!:)
You look so beautiful. But I like you so pretty and elegant in white coat……
Online The Unit Episodes
really really amazing! i love your polka dot shirt, is it by new look? i didn't find it on the web site, in Italy we don't have New Look shops 🙁