Actually, I think I took these back in September, not quite sure but don’t want the photos to go to waste. Though, I think I look like a younger version of coach Beiste in a dress. Ohh well, that’s that…Wearing American Apparel dress, random shoes, Parfois, New Look, H&M and Meli Melo accessories.
ps: fun collaboration with Dimensione Danza Romania coming up this weekend:)

imi place mult tinuta asta, iti vine bine, iar paleta de culori e minunata
Imi plac accesoriile foarte mult si cum le-ai combinat:D
your outfit is completely perfect.
i love everything about it.<3
Arati foarte bine 😡 Imi plac acesorile super mult si asta e clar o superba LBD 🙂
I really like your shoes and necklace 🙂
pretty! Love your acessories!
Pantofii sunt dementiali, imi amintesc ca i-am vazut in Unirea prin primavara parca si mi-au placut de atunci 🙂
Ce pantofi frumosi!♥
Waw sandalele sunt absolut adorabele! Imi place ca ai adoptat o tinuta simpla
You look pretty, dear 🙂
Karina Dinda R. ♥
You are beautiful on these pics. Turqouise is Ur color!
o tinuta foarte frumoasa, imi plac tare mult accesoriile!
duuuuude, I looove ur shoes! ♥
What a gorgeous outfit! I miss summer so mucuh! Acum mi se face frig numai cand te vad imbracata asa!:))
imi plac mult pantofii
Beautiful accessories!
Fashion Cat
Nice outfit, I love this necklace, I have the same in red colour 🙂
super pantofii! poza de pe pod e preferata mea 🙂
erata (accesoriile mi-au furat toata atentia:-) caci toate pozele sunt pe pod 😛 cea cu parul desfacut este minunata!
Beautiful look!Love the accessories!
Foarte frumoasa, si fata si hainele!!:D
necklace and shoes :))
everything is so good
Bus & Mug
I don't know what coach you're talking about! Look fantastic, love the hair, especially in updo.
jo from slowcatharsis.blogspot.com
Simple but yet very chic. Love your accessories !
Aw you look so cute in your summer look. That black dress is a perfect wardrobe staple.
Toate bijuteriile sunt superbe!