You must know the Acne Pistol boots by now, they are very popular especially within the fashion blogger community, and like you’ve guessed not very cheap. If you want the real deal and have the wallet to back it up, you can find them on on black & brown , if not here are a couple of accessible alternatives.
My favorite from the look a like bunch are the ones from Topshop, they are almost identical… I’d sue them:)
So, you can go for black, glitter and leopard if you’re the adventurous type.

Another almost identical alternative are the Dolce Vita Jax boots, you can find them on Endless , Piperlime & Shopbop, in black, brown & taupe.

Aldo nailed it too with the Crisson booties, available here and on Zappos, black & beige.

If you don’t want them to be identical you can always get the Mango ones I told you about or check out what has to offer.

So, which would you pick?
Nu stiu exact de ce dar cei Aldo au fost cei care m-au "strigat" primii.
God, I love those grey ones! Indeed they are a classic piece in one's wardrobe, very cool! 😀
Lovely boots!
Hello sweetie!I love this post!I really was searching too for boots like acne but the store that have them is really expensive on shipping cost!So I'm still searching for!Anyway..Thank you much for your comment sweetie!Wish to see you again at my blog 🙂
Check my Blog
and on-line store !! 🙂
I ordered those topshop glitter 🙂
very cool post :). nice to see some alternatives!
great boots, I need some similar!!
Lovely boots.
Love them!
the topshop ones are brilliant. there in the netherlands we also have a store called sasha which has brilliant lookalikes.
Hey, I love this ankle boots, but I found some other pretty and almost the same pattern on asos:
Aren't this wonderful!
yes they are!