I got this beautiful plum lipstick a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely love it, though it’s like having to carry a “look at me” sign… Can’t wait to wear it to classes, that should be fun!
I wore this outfit yesterday at a fair and for some errands afterwards, the shoes are a birthday gift and they are awkwardly comfortable, my most comfy pair, thank you Mina! There’s a funny story regarding the bag, I bought in Milan but it’s made in ro, got two from the same shop, you can find it on Steffie.ro.

Title comes from Stone Sour – Reborn, one of my favorite!
nice blog !
come for a visit, and if you like sign as follower…i'll do back
ciao ave
Great shoes and lipstick!
colierul de unde e?
@Cristina: Meli Melo:)
Damn! :))) U bad girl, u :> :)))
Superba bluzita, imi place ca e alba si larguta si pare si finuta la atingere ;))
wow wish I had the guts to rock that lip..looks awesome
LOVE it! especially the lipstick & the shoes! 😉
Loooove the lipstick and everything else! You look awesome with wine stanied lips!:)
waw nice color 😀 And your sandals are so rock`n`roll 🙂
oh great outfit!
black and white…one of the hotest trends of the season. love the combination and finally…heels! you look great in heels!
Amazing lipstick!!!!Poti, te rog, sa-mi spui ceva mai multe detalii ?!!!!?THNX, Anca
The shoes is just beautiful, lovely to hear that they're comfy as well.
A Single Girl's Musings
Fabulous shoes! I also love that lipstick, it suits you great!!:D
@Anca: multumesc, este Collistar Rosetto Puro – nr 59 Prugna:)
Efortlessly chic! I gotta buy myself some plum lipstick…I love it 😉
Multumesc pentru raspuns!!!!…constat insa ca produsele Collistar sunt cam greu de gasit in Romania-Brasov/online .. 🙁 !Anca
@Anca: npc, eu l-am luat de la Douglas…
of, in Brasovul acesta minunat nu gasesti nimic!!!!… 🙁 Anca
Wow you're so gorgeous, I love your post 🙂
Karina Dinda R. ♥