I know I’m always talking about ghd, but I’ll get one myself eventually, maybe this fall after I come back from my proper vacation and change my laptop, because this one is about to die, though hope it doesn’t. The best way to get one is from their site but if you don’t get it from there, you my check out the authenticity of the site or shop you’re planning to buy the straightener from, best way to do that is on bewareoffakes.ghdhair.com/au/, I mean burned hair isn’t something you want to end up with.
Ohh well, back to the subject of the post, Pink Orchid Limited Edition straightener in association with Breakthrough Breast Cancer, which is an upgraded Ghd Gold series styler with stylish vibrant purple plates, they say pink but I see purple. What do you see? Ok, ok, the plates are actually orchid pink…
If you intend to buy a Pink Orchid Limited Edition straightener, keep in mind that 10 pounds will go to the Breakthrough Breast Cancer charity and also will receive a clutch bag, an orchid pink and black lace clutch bag.
So, if you’re planning to buy a straightener this year’s limited edition styler, Pink Orchid, would be a great choice.
They are expensive but they are the best. Thank you for following on Bloglovin . I cant see you as a member on GFC – You need you see you as a member in my followers please and I will add you to the list. Good Luck. Xxxx
so stylish! 😀
Hey Nookie! Thanks for stopping by my blog. GHD's are totally worth the money, I've had mine years xoxo
You are on the list now. Thank You. Xxxx
thanks for your comment 🙂 i really like your blog so i follow you 🙂 i hope you visit more time my blog 🙂 XoXo
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